A top-down exploration game by Alexander Shen (Shenbot Makes)

Special Event 01

The Car Destruction bonus stage in Street Fighter is an iconic and exhilarating mini-game that takes place between regular fights. Set in a gritty urban environment, this bonus round challenges players to unleash their most powerful moves on a defenseless, blue car parked on the docks.It was important for me to pay homage to this experience!

About THWAK!

Step into the Infinite Forest, where every decision leads to the unexpected. Secrets, quirky items, and bizarre encounters await. It’s a wild dive into my game design journal, compiled just for you. Expect the ridiculous, prepare for the unpredictable.

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PRE-ALPHA ACCESS (coming soon)

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Special Event 02

In the original Fallout game, the dinosaur footprints are a mysterious and eerie sight found in the wasteland. These enormous, fossilized tracks appear randomly during your journey, raising more questions than they answer. They don't have any direct impact on gameplay, but their presence adds to the game's atmosphere of a world filled with strange and forgotten relics. The footprints hint at the long-lost creatures that once roamed the earth, leaving players to wonder about the prehistoric past and the secrets that the post-apocalyptic future might hold.